About The Author

SHARJA [noun] - 1. A patron of international nomadism, cultural exoticism, gastronomic hedonism, and global romanticism. 2. An avid writer, amateur travel photographer, Sufi poet, ethnic percussionist, and foreign culinarian. 3. A molecular biologist by day and self-proclaimed anthropologist by night. 4. A Jeep Wrangler captain and 1980 VW Vanagon co-pilot.

Born to a Nat-Geo, multiracial, and multinational family where travel is not merely a pastime but a functional lifestyle, Sharja has been venturing around the globe since birth on a life-long journey in search of personal growth and understanding - both of the curious world outside as well as the complex world within. Through reflective and introspective travel writing and photography, he strives to discover more about himself and his place in the world through novel experiences and intrepid exploration, while simultaneously promoting values of self-education, cultural awareness, and open international dialogue.