My Travel Philosophy

Condescendingly, he asked why I bothered to work so hard and sacrifice so much in terms of time, energy, and money, simply to travel. I looked at him in the eye and told him quite frankly: "For me, the world is an exotic and mysterious woman. She tantalizes my mind and beckons to my heart. I lust for her natural beauty, I crave her ancient history, and I seek to penetrate her most colorful, uncharted regions." That shut him up.

Travel is nothing new to us. It has been a facet of our biological condition since the dawn of mankind, slipping further away from the Dark Continent in an ongoing quest that would in time extend to nearly every corner of the earth. But whereas the earliest human migrations were conducted in search of habitable land and sustenance by which to survive, it has only been in the last three millennia that we've witnessed the concept of travel for the pure sake of exploration, travel by which to thrive. Our recent past celebrates the mystical writings of independent wanderers (Ibn Battuta, Herodotus, Xuanzang) who set forth in the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment, as well as the vivid accounts of financially-backed adventurers (Marco Polo, Columbus, Zheng He) in search of fortune and discovery. Whatever the reason, these men among countless others helped pave the way for travel as a contemporary global pastime by inspiring others to essentially "get up and get out there", satiating our innate drive to face the unknown.

The more we travel, the more we strive to formulate reasons (and excuses) for it. What is this strange phenomenon that fuels us to move, to escape, and why? I personally find travel to be an unrivaled means of attaining an enlightened education and elevated understanding, not just of mere people and places, but rather of ourselves and our roles in the grander notion of humanity. Media, be it read or watched, can only go as far as to inform. It can't make you feel what you're learning and discovering, nor immerse your other senses in that invigorating rush of pure novelty. Having millennia of human history at your fingertips coupled with unparalleled natural biodiversity beneath your feet? Sharing personal moments and exchanging tales with peoples of alternative cultural and religious ideologies? Savoring the diverse flavors of Earth's finest bounty while simultaneously daring yourself to withstand its savage forces? And even more importantly - questioning who you are and your beliefs with every turn? I rest my case. Our lives are only as meaningful as the sum of our invaluable and unforgettable experiences. And we only get one.

But travel also delves beneath tactile stimulation into something far more incorporeal and far more intuitive. Travel is our path to self-discovery, and the potential of a world filled with self-discovered individuals is far too compelling to ignore. Only once we've come to understand ourselves will we be able to understand others. Only once we've come to accept ourselves will we be able to accept others. Only once we've come to value ourselves will we be able to value others. Travel is the impetus that gives us the power and fortitude to initiate positive change.

My Travel Quote-Photo Project

A while back, one of my closest friends conceived the idea of using various photos from his trips, along with mottoes of his own insight, to construct personalized "motivational" posters. I was impressed to see how genuine they turned out to be, with many of them now gracing the walls of his brother's high school English classroom. The idea inspired me to make use of a small selection of my own travel photos, which I set out to frame as backdrops for some of my most beloved quotations on the inspiration and passion behind travel. Here's what I have so far, with many more to come as my life-long journey continues:

Lake Nakuru, Kenya
Amazonas, Venezuela

Machu Picchu, Peru
Islas de las Perlas, Panama
Turmi, Ethiopia

Everest Base Camp, Tibet
Hawassa, Ethiopia
Ras Nungwi, Zanzibar
Istanbul, Turkey
Dubai, UAE

Bagan, Myanmar
Oubira Oasis, Morocco
Sodo, Ethiopia
Contadora, Panama
Ta Prohm, Cambodia
Serengeti, Tanzania

Yangon, Myanmar
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Dougga, Tunisia
Baja California, Mexico (photo courtesy of Moritz L.)
Agra, India
Luxor, Egypt

Porticello, Sicily
Wadi Rum, Jordan
Bornuur Sum, Mongolia
Kashgar, Turkestan (translation - "He who lives sees many things, but he who travels sees even more")

Do you have a favorite eye-opening quote pertaining to the love of travel or self-discovery? Do you have an epic photo that stimulates your need to see the world? Please feel free to share the wisdom! Live. Love. Travel.

I'd like to dedicate this post to Captain Matt, who shares my thrill for adventure and sentiment for inspirational text. Thank you for embodying the exhilarating spirit that drives me to be all that I can be.
"The garden of the world has no limits
Except in your mind. - See more at: